Saturday, October 1, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Reddit-style Legislation Proposal System

I think we should have a kind of reddit/wikipedia-style polling system for the legislation the Occupy Wall Street movement wants passed. We have to invent a system that will allow fully formed proposed legislation to emerge organically from the movement, and for some ideas to rise above others. I had this idea while reading the first official statement from OWS located at I'm imagining a minimally embellished, reddit-style webpage that only displays the proposed legislation, in descending order of popularity, and have each of the proposals hyperlink to their respective open discussion/debate thread. People from all over the world could contribute votes and discussion to what legislation the undisputed imperial leader of the world passes, and OWS could represent their voice on the ground.

I've heard a LOT of people say they don't understand what exactly the OWS movement is asking for. I think if an online, reddit/wikipedia modeled legislation proposing system emerged, we could bury that criticism forever. OWS spokespersons could then feel comfortable articulating to the media precisely the legislation we as a movement are proposing. They could continue to preface statements with the usual "Well, I don't speak for all members involved..." but then explain the most popular proposals from the 'official' and completely democratic OWS legislation proposing organism.  This would maximize pithiness, and I think empower a lot of people who aren't used to being political spokespersons to speak comfortably about what the movement represents.

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